What is Solar Energy?

The sun is an incredible and renewable resource that has the power to fuel life on earth and provide clean, sustainable energy to all of its inhabitants. In fact, more energy from the sun reaches our planet in one hour than is used by the entire population of the world in one year. The sun’s energy can be converted into electricity through solar photovoltaic (PV) modules (photo = light, voltaic = electricity).

Solar energy technologies use the sun’s energy and light to provide heat, light, hot water, electricity and even cooling for homes, businesses and industry.

Types of Solar System

1. On-Grid System/Net-metering System

  • • On-grid system connected to the utility grid
  • • Suitable for the urban area (where power cut is very rare)
  • • Battery storage not required
  • • Faster Payback Period (ROI)
  • • Less Expensive

2. Off-Grid System

  • • Off-grid system independent of utility grid
  • • Suitable for rural areas (where power cut is more)
  • • Batteries required for storage of energy
  • • Payback Period is long
  • • Comparatively Expensive due to the added battery system

3. Hybrid System

  • • It is the combination of On-Grid & Off-grid System.
  • • Suitable for places with the low feed-in-tariff, frequent power cuts and requirement of continuous power supply
  • • The Battery is added to store energy and retrieve it later when grid failure occurs.
  • • Payback Period is longest
  • • Expensive